Wallpaper has made its comeback to the design world. It can be used as an accent wall or be the focal point of your room. Wallpaper is a great way to add color and texture to your space. Wallpaper is one of the largest statements you can make for your space.
Whether your style is casual and relaxed or contemporary and bold. We have the perfect solution for your space.
Large scale patterns command the space making it easier to design the rest of area. Small subtle patterns can be used in bathrooms or foyers where you want to add an element to the space.
Feature walls can be dramatic and bold. There are wallpapers that are murals and can cover large walls, floor to ceiling, these draw your eye in and creates a dramatic focal point. Wall murals can be made to the exact dimensions of your walls, so you have the perfect fit for your space. There are even faux brick wallpapers to create a casual relaxed feel for your space.
You can use wallpaper behind a bookcase to add a decorative flair. You can cover just the back of a bare wall to compliment your room. Using a pattern that compliments your room can be just the compliment your room needs.
Small spaces like bathrooms or foyers can be transformed into a work of art. Using shimmering metallic we can bounce light around without investing in expensive art or lighting. There are textures like cork that have metallic inlayed into them that can offer the small space dramatic flair. Texture can give dimension and cover imperfections of the wall.
Wallpaper is becoming a great way to compliment your style, whether it is traditional or contemporary the perfect wallpaper is waiting for you. Let one of our experienced designers find the right one for your space.
What is more fun than an accent wall in a fun bold pattern or a formal dining room that combines classic with a modern element? Wallpaper can transform a small space like a bathroom or a foyer into a work of art. Let Ambiance Home Interiors find the perfect wallpaper for your space.